UK flag graphic with text "A 'Common Sense' Deal with Europe. Let's align our rules with the EU on goods and services wherever it makes sense."


Red tape moving car parts from Germany shouldn’t cost jobs at car plants in Luton. British meat destined for French shops shouldn’t get stuck for twenty hours at Dover. And your kids shouldn’t be stopped from working, studying, or travelling in places like Paris, Barcelona, or Berlin if they want to.

It’s just common sense.

The UK isn’t in the EU, but we still buy and sell with Europe more than anywhere else simply because it’s nearest.

Our current deal with the EU is causing too much hassle for ordinary people and business owners.

By aligning some of our rules on goods and services with the EU we can get rid of this unnecessary hassle.

Better still, aligning the UK and EU on goods and services could achieve growth in UK GDP of up to 2.2%, and is a more popular way to grow the economy than cuts to welfare.

What would a ‘COMMON SENSE’ DEAL mean for me?

If you run a business you’ll find that buying and selling parts, or selling your finished products, becomes faster and cheaper if the UK and the EU agree a ‘COMMON SENSE’ DEAL . There will be fewer forms to fill in and transport costs will go down - mostly because ports like Dover won’t be bogged down with paperwork.

As a customer you might notice that prices go down, or find a bigger range of products in your local supermarket. If you’re a motorist you might find that certain cars, that haven’t been on sale in the UK since 2019, start to be sold here again.

And if the economy grows because a ‘COMMON SENSE’ DEAL is struck, there won’t be so much need to cut public services that you and your family use.

Wherever our current deal with the EU has made it harder for ordinary people to go about their lives, or buy the products that they want to, we’ll make our UK rules similar enough to EU rules to reduce the hassle.

It’s just common sense.